*ALL ACCESS VIP PASSES and 6-seat VIP table dinner (Buffet,
three entrees and assortment of choices) at
Induction Ceremony - Five Star assortment of food at the Orleans
Hotel & Casino.
*SPECIAL RECOGNITION during the IWBHF Induction Ceremony as you as a
Gold sponsor.
*COMPANY LOGO on PRINTED MATERIALS: Press releases, News Stories,
Media coverage, and signage listing you as a
GOLD sponsor.
*YOUR LOGO AND HYPERLINK on the IWBHF website listing you as
a GOLD sponsor for the current IWBHF year.
*GOLD SPONSORS will be on the step-and-repeat banner.
*FULL PAGE in official IWBHF souvenir program
(more space negotiable)
*SCRIPTED ADVERTISEMENT at the event on videos, announced, etc. at
the event.
*ONE VENDOR TABLE for your Company use during event.
*6 IWBHF Official Programs and other memorabilia available.
*Special Plaque of Appreciation for
Sponsorship presented at the Saturday night event.
*All Access VIP Pass and 4-seat VIP table dinner (Buffet,
three entrees and assortment of choices) at
Induction Ceremony - Five Star assortment of food at the Orleans
Hotel & Casino.
*SPECIAL RECOGNITION during the IWBHF Induction Ceremony as a SILVER Sponsor.
*COMPANY LOGO on all printed material and signage listing you as a
SILVER sponsor.
*YOUR LOGO AND HYPERLINK on the IWBHF website listing you as
a SILVER sponsor for the current IWBHF year.
*SILVER SPONSORS will be on the step-and-repeat banner.
*Your 1/2 page ad in official IWBHF souvenir program.
*4 IWBHF Official Programs.
*Special Plaque of Appreciation for
Sponsorship presented at the Saturday night event.
*All Access VIP Pass and 2-seat VIP table dinner (Buffet,
three entrees and assortment of choices) at
Induction Ceremony - Five Star assortment of food at the Orleans
Hotel & Casino.
*SPECIAL RECOGNITION during the IWBHF Induction Ceremony as a BRONZE Sponsor.
*COMPANY LOGO on printed materials on press releases, poster, and
program book.